Welcome to your
health plan
Looking for a doctor in your area?
Choose from hundreds of primary care physicians and specialists in the WakeMed Preferred Directory, as well as access MedCost and First Health Network directories for services outside of WakeMed.
Search Provider DirectoryWant to learn more about your healthcare benefits?
Click the links below for downloadable information.
Starting in January 2021
- Claims and Explanations of Benefits (EOBs)
- Eligibility
- Provider directories
- Running total of your out-of-pocket costs
- Customer service secure messaging
- ID card requests
- Benefits documents
- Outside vendor links
- Member forms (Coordination of Benefits, Accident, Claims Reimbursement)
- Instructions on how to read your EOB
- Monthly health awareness notifications
- FAQs
Who is Contigo Health?
Contigo Health, formerly known as Health Design Plus (HDP), helps employers achieve better benefits management solutions, with the goal of improving employee satisfaction and access to the best care. We administer your health benefits on behalf of your employer-sponsored health plan.

Hours of Operation
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET

General Inquiries
For general questions or if you are not sure which area to contact, please call

Customer Service
For benefit information, find a provider or eligibility status, please contact

Mailing Address
1755 Georgetown Road
Hudson, OH 44236